We have retired in Arizona and appreciate your support over the years. Stay tuned for our new creative adventures! – Mike & Pat

It’s always good to take time off.  And coming home feels just as good.  So were back…

We’re Back aka Were Back!

Okay.  This is our first post since coming back from a month off.  Since you can’t use punctuation in good SEO, the We’re is now were.  You have to take your SEO points where you can get them!

We actually returned last week but spent the majority of the time catching up with emails and orders.  This morning, Mike returned to the shop.  A Guest Services sign is the first thing on tap, trying to meet a client’s time frames.

were back

We’re back in the shop!


One of the most difficult things about coming back from vacation is getting into a groove.  Returning to exercise, house cleaning, and grocery shopping routines seems a little mundane after being on the road.  Oh – and then there’s work.  The most difficult part of taking time off.  We really appreciate what it might be like to retire…

So back into the shop we go.  Back to writing bi-weekly blog posts.  Back to adding products to the website.  And back to regular posting on social media.

And back to thinking about our next vacation…  🙂