We have retired in Arizona and appreciate your support over the years. Stay tuned for our new creative adventures! – Mike & Pat

SMW0571 Custom Golden Dome Metal Art

Looking for Golden Dome metal art?

Contact us for custom pricing.


When we received a contact from Jake about creating Golden Dome metal art, we were curious.  First, we had to Google “Golden Dome” to even find out what it was.  Second, we had to figure out how we could create the building with enough detail to make it interesting.  Then to top off our curiosity, we received a contact the next day for another one!  And, it was from Jake’s brother, Mike.  We never know what we’ll be asked to create, but we know it will always be interesting!  PS:  Jake sent us a photo of his finished art piece.  Our Golden Dome metal art is mounted on a backdrop of wood panels with the Notre Dame fight song.  What a great concept and execution!  We love collaborating on projects – even when we’re not quite sure what the finished product will be!

Colors:  One is rust, and the other Copper with pewter patinas.

Dimensions:  18″ wide x 36″ high.

Hangers:  Jake drew a diagram showing placement of 1/2″ holes to be drilled in 4 places.