We have retired in Arizona and appreciate your support over the years. Stay tuned for our new creative adventures! – Mike & Pat

Sunriver Metal Works Mini Vacations – they’re a good thing!

Last year, we didn’t take enough of them.  We kept getting busier, and let the business take over our lives.

We’re trying to change things this year.

Sunriver Metal Works Mini Vacation

Last week we took a mini vacation and went to Davis Lake Campground in the High Cascade Lakes of Central Oregon.  The campground is only a half hour from our home and totally peaceful.  Two days off at that campground is nirvana.

Heading east from Sunriver Metal Works is another perfect mini vacation spot – East Lake.  This campground is only 20 minutes away, but a little busier.  Lots of fishing and, therefore, more campers.

Sunriver Metal Works mini vacations at East Lake

We love our business and working with a wide variety of people.  In addition, our creative juices are always flowing with projects from new and returning customers.

What we have decided is that all work and no play make Mike and Pat a little crazy.  Time off helps cut down the crazy factor.

This week, Mike’s two “kids” and their significant others are coming to visit for a few days.  We’re not working in the shop or the office.  We plan to enjoy our time with them and return to work after the 4th.  We may not be getting away, but Sunriver Metal Works mini vacations can also be taken at home.  That works, too!