We have retired in Arizona and appreciate your support over the years. Stay tuned for our new creative adventures! – Mike & Pat

SMW1045 Trucking Services Logo

Looking for a trucking services logo?

Please note SMW# and contact us for pricing.

SKU: SMW1045 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Danielle and company employees wanted to create a trucking services logo sign for the company owner.  She sent several photos of the truck and trailer before Mike completed the design.  We tried to closely match the truck color, which was carried through the sign.  Trucks and trailers seem to be a popular item this year.  Especially since they are created from actual photos of the semi and trailer.  Interested in creating a trucking services logo for your company?  Contact us and send photos along.  Custom work is our specialty!

Colors:  Airbrushed blue paint, polished steel, and black patinas.

Dimensions:  40″ wide x 12.50″ high.

Hangers:   Holes drilled for easy installation.